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August: All About Tarot

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The History of Tarot

The spiritual journey of tarot cards began in the late 18th century when they transitioned from a mere card game to tools of divination and esoteric wisdom. This shift was significantly influenced by French occultists like Jean-Baptiste Alliette (Etteilla) and Antoine Court de Gébelin, who asserted that the cards held ancient mystical knowledge from Egyptian priests and other esoteric traditions. Etteilla was among the first to publish a comprehensive guide to using tarot for divination, imbuing the cards with symbolic meanings linked to astrology, alchemy, and the Kabbalah​​.

The 19th century saw the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn further cement tarot’s role in spiritual and occult practices. Members like Aleister Crowley and Arthur Edward Waite developed new decks and elaborate systems of interpretation, intertwining tarot with a variety of mystical traditions, including Hermeticism, Kabbalistic teachings, and alchemy. The Rider-Waite deck, created by Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith in 1909, became especially influential, offering rich, symbolic imagery that facilitated deeper spiritual insight and personal growth. Today, tarot remains a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual guidance, with a wide array of decks and interpretations reflecting its enduring spiritual impact​​.


Understanding the Major Arcana

One of the most powerful aspects of tarot readings is their ability to mirror the depths of our inner worlds. A skilled reader can guide you through the symbolism of the cards to uncover truths about your personality, motivations, and the underlying factors that shape your reality. This self-awareness can be enlightening, revealing hidden strengths or perhaps areas of your life that may need attention and nurturing. By understanding yourself better, you can make more informed decisions, align your actions with your deepest values, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life.


The Minor Arcana

The tarot deck is divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana consists of four suits, each representing different aspects of life and human experience. Here is a brief description of each suit:

The suit of Cups is associated with emotions, relationships, and connections. It corresponds to the element of water and deals with the emotional and intuitive aspects of life. Cards in this suit often reflect love, friendship, feelings, and creativity. They highlight matters of the heart and personal interactions, suggesting how emotions influence your actions and decisions.

The suit of Pentacles (also known as Coins or Disks) represents material aspects such as finances, work, and physical health. Linked to the element of earth, Pentacles focus on the tangible and practical side of life. They deal with career, financial stability, and physical well-being. This suit often points to the fruits of your labor, your resources, and how you manage them.

The suit of Swords is connected to the mind and intellect. Representing the element of air, it deals with thoughts, ideas, and communication. Swords can indicate challenges, conflicts, and mental clarity, often highlighting issues that require critical thinking and decision-making. This suit addresses how you approach problems and conflicts, emphasizing the power of intellect and logic.

The suit of Wands (or Rods) is associated with energy, action, and creativity. Corresponding to the element of fire, it reflects passion, inspiration, and drive. Wands cards are often related to personal projects, career ambitions, and the pursuit of goals. They highlight initiative, growth, and the dynamism of your spirit, suggesting how you channel your energy to bring your ideas to life.

These four suits together create a comprehensive picture of life's various dimensions, helping to provide insights into different areas of your existence and how they interconnect.



Unveiling Clarity with Empire Psychic Mediums' Tarot Reading

Since 2010, Empire Psychic Mediums, Denise and Kathy, have been dedicated to bringing the profound insights of tarot readings to the public, both in New Jersey and across the nation. Their expertise in tarot has provided countless clients with valuable guidance, helping them navigate through life's uncertainties. Whether faced with burning questions or seeking answers to pressing issues, clients turn to Denise and Kathy for their intuitive and compassionate approach. Their readings offer more than just answers; they provide a roadmap for personal growth and self-discovery.

Through the art of tarot, Denise and Kathy empower their clients to find clarity and direction in their lives. By unveiling hidden truths and shedding light on potential challenges, they enable clients to make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. The guidance offered through their tarot readings extends beyond mere fortune-telling; it serves as a tool for personal empowerment and proactive problem-solving. With each session, clients leave feeling more confident and equipped to face whatever comes their way, knowing they have the support and wisdom of Empire Psychic Mediums by their side.


Throughout the month of August, enjoy $15 off each tarot reading when two friends book a session at the same time! One goes with Denise and the other with Kathy, and each of you gets $15 off your reading. 🌟 Grab your bestie and dive into the mystical world of tarot together. Use code SUMMERTAROT24 when booking at

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